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Equality, diversity and inclusion

We hold the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of everything we do and all that we stand for – the NHS is a universal service and we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion both as an employer and in the services we provide.

Inclusion workplan

At West Suffolk Foundation Trust (WSFT) fairness, inclusivity and respect are at the very heart of our FIRST values. This means that we are committed to developing and promoting an inclusive culture where people feel safe, valued, and welcome.

We are also committed to recognising inequalities within our organisation and we are taking action to address these through the development and progress of our Inclusion Workplan. Our inclusion workplan brings together our equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) related work and enables us to adopt a strategic, impactful and joined-up approach as we continue to embed EDI values and practices across the Trust. Work from the following sources have been incorporated into our inclusion workplan; WRES, WDES, NHS EDI Improvement Plan, Unison’s Anti-Racism Charter, WSFT staff survey results and other important factors that have arisen through consultation with our staff networks.

Our inclusion workplan is an ongoing priority and we are continuing to evolve and develop our internal working document. We are confident that it will direct us closer towards achieving equity and inclusion within every part of our organisation, so that WSFT remains a brilliant place to work and continues to provide the best possible patient care and services. 

The Trust’s Involvement Committee (a Sub-Committee of the Board) reviews our EDI work via monitoring the progress made on the actions and work within our inclusion workplan twice a year.

Our Belonging in the NHS Sub-Group meets bi-monthly and brings colleagues across the Trust together to discuss and action operational EDI details regarding both patient and staff related matters.


Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) and Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES)

The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) enables us to compare the experiences of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic colleagues and White colleagues across several indicators. From this, we can highlight areas of disparity and commit to identifying and taking action to close any gaps between Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic staff and White staff experiences, improve representation and tackle race inequalities.

The workforce disability equality standard (WDES) enables us to compare the experiences of disabled and non-disabled colleagues across several metrics to identify any areas of disparity and, subsequently, take action to ensure an equitable employment experience for all staff. 

The WRES and WDES 2023 report summaries can be accessed here.

Our WRES and WDES focussed inclusion workplan provides further information on the detailed action we are taking to address the key highlights from our WRES and WDES reports.


Equality and Diversity monitoring

The below report provides equality information in line with the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty, including workforce demographic data as at 31 March 2023:

Equality and diversity monitoring report


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion reporting

The Trust’s Involvement Committee (a Sub-Committee of the Board) reviews progress on our EDI work. In August 2023, a report and an accompanying presentation provided the committee with an update of the Trust’s Inclusion Workplan.

Inclusion Workplan overview report (August 2023)

Inclusion Workplan overview presentation (August 2023)

A further report will be made in December 2023.

The Belonging in the NHS Sub-Group now incorporates the remit of the previous EDI Steering Group. This Sub-Group brings colleagues across the Trust together to discuss and action operational EDI details regarding both patient and staff related matters.

Equality delivery system (EDS) 

The Equality Delivery System, or EDS, helps NHS organisations improve the services they provide for their local communities and provide better working environments, free of discrimination, for those who work in the NHS, while meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. The EDS was developed by the NHS, for the NHS, taking inspiration from existing work and good practice. 

At the heart of the EDS are eleven outcomes, against which NHS organisations measure their successes and challenges with protected characteristic and vulnerable community groups using evidence and insight. The outcomes, grouped into three domains, are: 

  1. Commissioned or provided services 
  2. Workforce health and wellbeing  
  3. Inclusive leadership 

Read our latest EDS submission here.


Gender pay gap

Gender pay gap (GPG) legislation requires all employers of 250 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap as at 31 March each year.

Download our Gender Pay Gap report for 2023.

Gender Pay Gap report for 2022.



Visit our policy library here.