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Specialist children's nursing team

We are a team of registered nurses and nursery nurses who provide specialist nursing care and support to children and families

Who are we?

We are a team of registered children's nurses, nursery nurses, specialist health visitors and specialist nurses who provide specialist nursing care and support to children and families

What do we do and who do we see?

  • Children’s community nursing team: registered children’s nurses who provide clinical nursing care from birth to 19
  • Complex care team:  nurses and nursery nurses who undertake continuing care assessments and packages of care to children with complex health needs or those who are technology dependent at home from birth to 19
  • Specialist health visitors and nursery nurses: supporting the assessment and management of children and their families who are under a community paediatrician from birth to 5
  • Specialist nurse for children in care: supporting the assessment and management of the health of children entering local authority care from birth to 18
  • Child development nurse practitioner: developmental assessment and support for children under the care of the community medical team from birth to 19
  • Specialist nurses: support the autism assessment pathway for school age children and monitor children with ADHD on the paediatrician’s case load in west Suffolk, from 4 to 18.

How long will my child wait to be seen?

Your child's referral will be screened and prioritised according to need. This could be on the same day or within 24 hours for urgent nursing care or within 18 weeks for routine assessment

Where will my child be seen?

You and your child will be seen in a setting that is most suitable for them and to the service being offered. This could be at home, school, in a clinic or residential setting across Suffolk face to face or virtually

What will happen at your appointment?

Once we have accepted a referral, we will liaise with you to arrange what happens next, which could be a telephone, virtual, face to face appointment or a school observation.

Who can refer to our service?

  • Any health professional can refer to our service
  • You are able to self-refer to the children's community nursing team and specialist health visitng team if you have had previous contact with them and open access has been previously agreed by contacting us by phone

Contact Us:

  • Allington Clinic, Ipswich 01473 275320

Your view matters:

We aim to offer a good service to you and your child. We welcome your comments, compliments and suggestions.

If you have any queries or concerns with any aspect of your child's care that cannot be resolved with your clinician please contact the team leader.

If you feel unable to discuss your concerns in this way please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)