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Paediatric occupational therapy

We enable children and young people who have difficulties or a disability affecting their participation in daily activities and education. 

What do we do?

We provide assessment, advice and intervention to enable children from birth to 19 years to participate safely, and as fully as possible in activities as part of their daily life. We work closely with other NHS therapy services, education, social care and a wide range of other care providers to ensure that children receive the support they need. 

Who are we?

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Technical Instructors
  •  Business support

Who do we see?

  • children with physical and neurological impairment including:
    • cerebral palsy
    • neuromuscular conditions
    • genetic conditions affecting motor development
  • pre-school children with autistic spectrum disorder
  • pre-school children with sensory processing differences
  • children with motor-coordination and functional difficulties which are impacting on their potential and participation in daily activities. We've developed a Motor Skills Resource Pack available here for advice and ideas about supporting children to practise and develop skills prior to referral to Occupational Therapy. The pack includes an advice sheet with first line Occupational Therapy advice for children who have hypermobile (increased range of movement or “bendy”) joints. 

Please refer to the webpage here for occupational therapy for children who have sensory processing difficulties. 

We do not accept referrals for:

  • school-age children with functional difficulties that are in line with their age and general level of development
  • school-age children whose difficulty relates to emotional and/or behavioural problems
  • children with co-ordination difficulties in year eight and above
  • children where home adaptations are needed - these should be directed to social services.

How long will my child wait to be seen?

We aim to see all children for initial assessment within 18 weeks from the receipt of an accepted referral.

Where will my child be seen?

We work in a variety of settings, including nurseries, schools, special schools and the family home.

What will happen at the appointment?

The therapist will explain the role of an occupational therapist to you and your child, and talk about your concerns. Using a range of tasks, toys and assessments we will look at participation in activities, strengths and challenges, and identify agreed goals.

Who can refer to our service?

  • community or hospital consultant paediatrician or registrar
  • specialist nurse
  • GP
  • physiotherapist
  • occupational therapist
  • speech and language therapist (pre-school children and special schools only)
  • health visitor for under 5s
  • Special Education Needs Co-ordinator in school

Contact Us:

  • Child Development Centre, Bury St Edmunds: 01284 741714
  • St Helen's House, Ipswich 01473 321230. 

Your view matters:

We aim to offer a good service to you and your child. We welcome your comments, compliments and suggestions.

If you have any queries or concerns with any aspect of your child's care that cannot be resolved with your clinician please contact the team leader.

If you feel unable to discuss your concerns in this way please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)