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Governors sought for West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Would you like to influence the way your NHS Trust is run, and represent the views of patients, carers, families, and the wider community?

Nominations opened on Monday, 4 September 2023

The West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (WSFT) is seeking new people to sit on its Council of Governors. Fourteen public governor seats are available in the forthcoming elections, paving the way for a new set of local citizens to influence how hospital and community health and care services are shaped across the west of Suffolk.

Governors hold influential roles and responsibilities such as appointing senior leaders, having input into the Trust’s strategy, consulting on the services the Trust offers and how these work, as well as other important decisions.

Public governor and former lead governor, Liz Steele, said: “Having joined the Council of Governors in 2014, I have had the opportunity to help steer our Trust through difficult periods such as Covid-19 and become involved in exciting and innovative projects such as the introduction of our integrated care system and collaborating with those in community nursing and care. This is an amazing time to join our Trust as a governor, particularly as we look to build a new healthcare facility at Hardwick Manor in Bury St Edmunds by 2030, and how we can deliver the highest quality and safest care for our communities now, and in the future.”

Elected by the foundation Trust members, which are made up of the public and staff, governors sit on the Council of Governors for three-year terms. The 14 public governors sit alongside five staff governors and seven governors nominated to represent partner organisations. These include Suffolk County Council, West Suffolk Council, University of Cambridge, West Suffolk College and the Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System.

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust chair Jude Chin said: “Governors play an important role in overseeing how the Trust is managed. They work alongside members and the Trust’s leadership team to ensure we meet our goals and provide the best possible care to patients. It’s important we have a diverse set of governors to ensure we represent the interests of all Trust members and those accessing our services so please consider putting yourself forward for nomination.”

Individuals from the community are encouraged to nominate themselves to stand for election as a public governor – but they must be a member of WSFT to do this. Members can also vote to choose the governors they want to represent them. Sign up to become a member of the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust here.

Nominations for the 2023 governor elections opened on Monday, 4 September 2023 and close Monday, 9 October 2023. Voting will run from Thursday, 26 October until 20 November and results will be announced on Tuesday, 21 November 2023.

Find out more about the elections and being a governor here or contact the Foundation Trust office on 01284 713224 or via email:

For a nominations pack contact Civica Election Services via telephone: 020 8889 9203, email: or post: CES, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW.

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