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Explore a future in adult nursing at our Open Day

When: Sunday, 8 October - 10am - 2pm

Where: West Suffolk Hospital, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 2QZ

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Are you considering a fulfilling career in adult nursing? We invite you to join us at our Open Day. This is your chance to learn more about the world of nursing and the opportunities it can offer you.

You will find out how we can support you through your training and gain insights into the profession, and the care and services we provide across our hospital and community services in and around west Suffolk.

We want to help develop your career and build your future in healthcare.

What's in store for you?

1. Meet current students and nurses: Connect with nursing students and nurses, learn from their experiences, and explore the pathways available to you in adult nursing.

2. Local university stalls: Representatives from local universities will be available to guide you on the academic routes to becoming a qualified nurse. Get your questions answered on courses and admissions.

3. Hospital tour: Step inside the heart of West Suffolk Hospital. Experience the day-to-day life of our healthcare professionals and see where your future studies could take you.

4. Recruitment team insights: Considering West Suffolk Hospital for your placement? Chat with our nursing education team to understand the opportunities that await you here.

To ensure we can provide the best experience for all attendees, please let us know if you're coming. Please register your interest here. More information will be shared with you about the day after registration is complete.

Join us. What will you #BeKnown for?

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