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This directory of services will guide you to the services that we provide.
The Macmillan Unit is a purpose built unit providing inpatient and outpatient support and facilities for patients with common cancers and some less common tumou...
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The colposcopy service is part of gynaecology services and works with the cytology and histopathology departments in the management of disease of the cervix.
The department of colorectal surgery specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal and anal pathology including bowel cancer, diverticular disease an...
The Cardiac Centre is located on the ground floor of the hospital. It comprises of an inpatient area, ward area and cardiac lab area with six recovery beds. The...
The community cardiac rehabilitation team provide recovery and rehabilitation to reduce future heart problems to those living in the west Suffolk community.
The critical care service (CCS) is a dynamic 24 hours a day, seven days a week proactive service which provides elective and emergency care to patients sufferin...
A stay in hospital can be a worrying experience, both emotionally and spiritually. We offer comfort and support to all, regardless of faith or non faith.