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Children's community medical team

Our team of consultant paediatricians, specialist and junior doctors and a nurse practitioner undertake neurodevelopmental assessments of children and young people from birth.

What do we do?

The Community Paediatric Team provides a specialist service to children and young people, specifically targeted to those with a range of neuro-disability, long term complex medical and genetic conditions associated with a developmental delay, socio-communication difficulties and those with safeguarding concerns.

Delivery shall include but is not limited to:

  • Case management of children with long term conditions, disabilities and complex needs such as cerebral palsy
  • Diagnosis and management of epilepsy associated with developmental difficulties
  • Movement clinic including Botulinum Toxin Treatment, as well as assessment of children in specialist clinics such as genetics, neurology, orthopaedic and feeding clinics, locally at the child development centres across the county.
  • Neuromuscular Clinic: in conjunction with Community and Respiratory Paediatricians,
  • Assessment of children for possible Autism Spectrum Disorder under the age of 11 years.
  • Assessing the health needs of Children in Care, including children undergoing the adoption process and initial health assessments for looked after children.
  • Statutory services such as Child Protection /Safeguarding.
  • Establishment of shared care arrangements with other providers who contribute to the child’s care.
  • Assessments for children undergoing Education, Health and Care plans who are under the care of the medical service.
  • ADHD  management for some children with ongoing significant medical needs due to a developmental or genetic condition.

Who are we?

  • Community Consultant Paediatricians
  • Specialty Doctors
  • Junior Doctors 
  • Nurse Practitioner

All specialising in child health and in particular child development 

Who do we see?

Children and young people with a range of neuro-disability, long term complex medical and genetic conditions associated with a developmental delay, socio-communication difficulties and those with safeguarding concerns.

The medical service is unable to accept referrals for children of any age with the following problems:

  • Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder in children over 11 years. 
  • Assessment of cognitive skills and education attainment in school aged children.
  • New referrals for Suspected ADHD
  • Educational problems such as dyslexia or dyscalculia.
  • Dyspraxia/Development Co-ordination Disorder.
  • Isolated behaviour problems or general anxiety.
  • Children with behaviour problems which are due to social and family difficulties.
  • Delayed toilet training.
  • Constipation and soiling.
  • Children with sleep difficulties where there is no underlying neurodevelopmental difficulty.

How long will my child wait to be seen?

We aim to see all children and young people within 18 weeks of their referral date 

Where will my child be seen?

Your child will be seen in local community clinics, children’s centres and occasionally at school.

What will happen at the appointment?

We will listen to the concerns you may have about your child and ask questions about his or her health and development. Your child’s development will be assessed.  Usually, the child or young person will need to be physically examined.

Any identified problems will be discussed with you and a management plan will be made regarding appropriate investigations or assessment and diagnostic pathways to be followed.

Part of your child’s assessment may involve accessing information from their educational setting.

Children and young people with active on-going medical problems are reviewed to support management of their conditions according to their specific needs.

Who can refer to our service?

  • General Practitioners
  • Hospital medical practitioners
  • School Nurses
  • Health Visitors
  • Allied Health Professionals

Please note that we do not accept referrals directly from schools.

Contact us:

Community Paediatric Medical Team (WEST)

Child Development Centre

Hospital Road

Bury St Edmunds

IP33 3ND


Tel:  01284 741700



Community Paediatric Medical Team (EAST)

St Helen’s House

571 Foxhall Road




Tel:  01473 321200


Your view matters:

We aim to offer a good service to you and your child. We welcome your comments, compliments and suggestions.

If you have any queries or concerns with any aspect of your child's care that cannot be resolved with your clinician please contact the team leader.

If you feel unable to discuss your concerns in this way please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)